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Work Dojo gives your team the power and alignment you need to do your best work.

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What is Work Dojo

Transforming the daily grind into daily training

Work Dojo blends emotional intelligence and tech into a fun, easy-to-use app for employees at every level of the organization. It helps transform the daily grind into a daily training ground for neural integration, or the waking up of communication pathways in the brain that may be blocked due to stress or boredom. This connection is what drives the happiest and most productive teams at work.

Learn The Science

How does Work Dojo work?

Only ten minutes a day

In just ten mindful minutes a day, you will stimulate new connections in your brain forming new patterns to emerge and strengthen and encouraging your brain to operate in these new ways long after your 10-minute practice. As a result, you are continually triggering new and untapped abilities to emerge and imaginative juices to flow!

Better management and employee relationships

Trainings prompt productive discussions between managers and employees and across teams.

Improved concentration and creativity

Sometimes, people need to step away from a problem to reduce creative blocks and see new solutions. Only then can return with renewed energy.

Reduced stress

Employees become more resilient to change and adversity at work and have better overall mental and emotional health. They can disconnect to reconnect.

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The Benefits of Work Dojo

Boost creativity and connection

By using the Work Dojo app, you are immersing yourself and your employees in a philosophy that encourages you all to step back from your daily activities for a few short minutes a day to boost creativity and connection across your business. The result is happier, more productive employees and, ultimately, it’s good for business.

The Work Dojo Blog

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How To Sell Work-Dojo To Your Superiors

HOW TO SELL WORK-DOJO TO YOUR SUPERIORS Work-Dojo is a fantastic way to improve employees’ engagement and creativity at work. It has many benefits for company culture, employee wellbeing, and, ultimately, the company’s bottom line. Unfortunately, people in senior positions often have their agendas that they believe meet the needs of employees and the company. […]

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How to get buy-in for a new approach

How to get buy-in for a new approach Introducing a new system is always exciting for the people introducing it. You’ve spent months, maybe years, selecting the best solution, considering how it will meet everyone’s needs and how it’s going to revolutionize your business. Unfortunately, that’s only the first step in the process. Now you […]

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7 Top Tips for A Successful Pre-Work-Dojo Experience

Tips for A Successful Pre-Work-Dojo Experience 1. Build trust with employees These tips for a successful pre-Work-Dojo experience will help you when introducing Work-Dojo’s new technology into your workplace. You may find your employees may have some trepidations, particularly if you have added new technologies before. You may discover that employees feel frustrations at how things […]

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Are you ready to enter the Dojo?

You can explore the Work Dojo app for a free 11-day trial by clicking the button below. We can’t wait to see you at the Dojo!

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