How to Use the ENPS Dashboard Data
When considering your ENPS data, it’s important to remember that the data is only part of the story. The dashboard doesn’t provide you with insights into why the scores are as they are; the scores act only as a guide. The scores pinpoint areas of best practice and show you where you have potential issues or concerns that need further investigation. These factors behind these scores will help guide your response to employee successes and challenges in your organization.
There can be many reasons why scores are high or low in particular groups or teams, or across the company as a whole. As an example, the reason for low scores could be that people can’t find the time in their day to complete the tasks. Alternatively, it could be that some teams have a difficult relationship with their manager, or that some teams have challenging team dynamics.
The ENPS scores as they stand to tell us there is a potential issue, not what may be causing that issue. It’s your role to dig deeper to understand what’s influencing the culture at your organization.
The first questions you need to ask yourself when faced with the ENPS data are:
- What factors influenced these scores?
- Can we pinpoint areas where there are potential issues that are pulling the scores down or factors that are pulling the scores up? How might I do that?
- How often does it make sense to access these scores? What can I do with the data weekly? Monthly? Daily? Imagine you are trying to lose weight. Would you check the scales daily? Weekly? Monthly? How easily could you affect change if you saw the scores on a regular basis? And, what if they fluctuate a lot over the span of a week? Consider what makes sense for you, your team, and your company as a whole.
NOTE: These scores should never be a surprise; they should reflect what managers see in the daily environment, and the activities should be helping to improve those scores over time.
Further questions to consider are:
- Are the ‘Passive’ people ‘Passive Detractors’ or ‘Passive Promoters?’ Spend some time talking to individuals and managers to dig deeper into how people are feeling in those teams.
- What can I do to help Passive Detractors to move into the Passive Promoter or Promoter state?
- What issues are causing Detractors to feel at ill-ease? How can I support these people?
- Do my teams and managers understand what is expected of them? Could lack of communication be causing issues with time management, or team dynamics, for example?
- Where are the areas of best practice occurring?
- What do the team dynamics look like in those areas?
- Who are the managers?
- What budgets do those teams have?
- Does that have an impact?
- What can we share from those teams with other teams?
- Will those elements work across different teams, or are they unique to that group of people?
- What are the systems and processes that people need to use daily? Are these fit for purpose? Do people have issues with any of these systems?
The answers to these questions will give you insights into the connection and engagement between the people and systems in your company. You can uncover many factors that contribute to the employee (and ultimately, the customer) experience from these scores. But, to do so, you need to take on the role of a detective and spend time understanding the people behind these scores. Once you do that, you can influence your organizational culture to drive happier and more productive employees and workplaces.
- We advise that managers have regular conversations with team members to find out what’s going on. We also suggest organizational leaders have regular discussions with managers to better understand the company as a whole.
- It’s also useful to further research your data by holding focus groups with teams or talking directly to managers and individual team members to understand what’s happening. Then you can provide support if required or celebrate success and share best practice with other teams.
- Our suggestion is to check the scores weekly or every two weeks. However, if during that time, a particular issue arises, it’s a good idea to check the scores to see the impact of such issues. By checking the scores weekly or bi-weekly, you keep a pulse check on how people are feeling at your company. We recommend speaking to as many people as you can to get a deeper feel for how things are going. An app won’t tell you everything you need to know.
- It’s not always necessary to act on the data often unless there is a smaller issue you think you can deal with quickly. But, regular access to this information provides you with insights into the company culture and helps you to stay informed and ready for action.
- The accumulation of data insights over time will give you deeper insights into the more significant issues (or successes) happening at your company. These are the elements that require large-scale change programs. If you need support with such efforts, the ic3 consulting team can help.
Keeping such a close eye on your ENPS data may seem daunting to begin with, but see it like tidying your home. If the whole place is a mess, it will take considerable effort to make it tidy. But, once you make it neat, the small cleanups required each day to keep it tidy will feel much less daunting. And remember, the Work-Dojo team is always here to help!