How To Sell Work-Dojo To Your Superiors
HOW TO SELL WORK-DOJO TO YOUR SUPERIORS Work-Dojo is a fantastic way to improve employees’ engagement and creativity at work. It has many benefits for company culture, employee wellbeing, and,…
HOW TO SELL WORK-DOJO TO YOUR SUPERIORS Work-Dojo is a fantastic way to improve employees’ engagement and creativity at work. It has many benefits for company culture, employee wellbeing, and,…
How to get buy-in for a new approach Introducing a new system is always exciting for the people introducing it. You’ve spent months, maybe years, selecting the best solution, considering…
Tips for A Successful Pre-Work-Dojo Experience 1. Build trust with employees These tips for a successful pre-Work-Dojo experience will help you when introducing Work-Dojo's new technology into your workplace. You…
One of the things that makes Work-Dojo a fantastic tool for your business is its malleability. Work-dojo is grounded in a psychological approach that proves the importance of ‘connection’ to…
How to Use the ENPS Dashboard Data When considering your ENPS data, it’s important to remember that the data is only part of the story. The dashboard doesn’t provide you…
How to Read the ENPS Dashboard Data As the company's lead, when you access the ENPS section of the website, you will see a selection of graphs and data at…
The Work-Dojo workspace is designed to encourage teamwork, but also to invite you to share your personal views of the culture at your organization. Some of the activities within the…
Creating safety and awareness at work is vital to a successful Work-Dojo experience, and results in more engaged employees! PDF DOWNLOAD: Safety + Awareness I agree to... Communicate effectively Value…
How to Communicate Effectively in the Workplace PDF DOWNLOAD: Effective Communication How to communicate effectively in the workplace: Strategies for Listener Listen attentively. Look at the speaker with open body…
Tools to Experience Less Stress and More Balance PDF DOWNLOAD: 3 Tools to Re-Engage the Right Brain & Experience Less Stress and More Balance in Your Life THREE TOOLS TO…